The Library is located at the 1st floor left corner of the building, it is also very peaceful. The library divided in a various section such as: Property Counter, Circulation section, Digital Library, Newspapers Section etc. Library has collection of books, journals, magazines, newspapers. The library has also developed non-book collection which includes video cassettes, compact discs. Besides this, it also maintains separate collection of reference books, bound volumes of journals, project reports. The entire collection has been classified as per the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. The library has open access i.e. the students are allowed to enter the book stack and choose. The students can also avail of the reading room facility, which has a seating capacity of around 100 students. Library uses E- Granthalaya (System for Library Automation) software, along with barcode technology. The library remains open from 9.00am to 5.00pm throughout the year except Sunday & 1st, 3rd Saturday & Holidays. Library has users including visiting faculty, departmental staff & Students of MBA, MCA.